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This designation will be given to the outstanding book on United Methodist history or a related subject published during a given year.




  • 2023:  no award given

  • 2022:  Carol M. Norén, On to Perfection: Nels O. Westergreen and the Swedish Methodist  Church, self- published,  printed by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

  • 2021: Paul Wesley Chilcote, Singing the Faith: Soundings of Lyrical Theology in the Methodist Tradition, Foundery Books.

  • 2020: Donald Henry Kirkham, Outside Looking In: Early Methodism as Viewed by Its Critics, New Room Books.





The following selection criteria have been adopted:


  1. The selection should achieve a balance between the scholarly and the popular. The selection should be respectable and readable, serious and accessible.

  2. The selection should be on a significant subject of general interest to United Methodist audiences, that is, related to Methodist history or polity or theology or biography or similar matters.

  3. The entry will have been published during the specified calendar year.

  4. A publisher may submit more than one entry in a given year.


The Society, upon making the selection, promotes the sale of the book among its membership and beyond. This is done through public announcement in the church press, through encouragement in the publications of the Society, through a celebration of the book at the Society’s annual meeting and in other venues. The publishing company is free to engage in whatever promotional activities it may choose in connection with the award. Appropriate plaques are presented to the author and to the publisher.





Entries should be submitted before March 1 by completing the attached entry blank and sending it, along with four copies of the work to:


Linda A. Schramm
Saddlebag Selection Award Coordinator
244 S. Elk Street
Sandusky, MI 48471


The selection committee will complete its deliberations by April 15 and announce the result immediately thereafter. HSUMC members and others may make nominations to Linda Schramm, who will complete the process with the publishers.


The Saddlebag Selection for 2024 


Respectable Methodism: Nathan Bangs and Respectability in Nineteenth-Century

American Methodism

(Wesleyan and Methodist Explorations)

by Daniel F. Flores


published by Cascade books, an Imprint of  Wipf and Stock Publishers.

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