“Pietism, Transatlantic Revivalism, and the EUB Legacy in United Methodism”
A Historical Convocation of the Historical Society of The United Methodist Church, the North Central Jurisdiction Commission of Archives and History, the Wesleyan Historical Society, the Charles Wesley Society and the General Commission of Archives and History. Hosted by the West Ohio Commission on Archives and History and the Center for Evangelical United Brethren Heritage at United Theological Seminary.
Merging the Streams commemorates the 50th anniversary of the merger between the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church in 1968. It celebrates the enduring legacies of the Evangelical United Brethren tradition and the ways by which these legacies have shaped United Methodist identity. It also marks its role in the Methodist Church’s merger with its own historic African American membership, thus ending the Central Jurisdiction. Consequently, important motifs emerge as we discern these legacies, namely: Pietism, transatlantic revivalism, and inclusion. These merging streams not only influenced the Evangelical, United Brethren, and Methodist traditions in many various ways but also helped form the new denomination's future.